} ?> Funeral Arrangements in Fairfield, CT

Funeral Arrangements in Fairfield

Because funeral arrangements can be a difficult time, we’ve put together a list of resources that might be helpful.

Funeral Homes

Your most helpful resource during this time will likely be a director. So, here’s a list of homes in the Fairfield Area.


Redgate – Hennessy


Abraham L Green & Son

Lesko & Polke 

Shaughnessey Banks 

Grief Management

We’ve put together a list of grief management websites that you might find helpful.

Webhealing.com is interactive, with many articles, discussion boards, and other resources.

GriefNet.org offers more than 50 email support groups.

Financial Help

Although circumstances vary by person, some of these organizations may offer financial assistance in your time of need.

Social Security has several death benefits, ranging from a $255 lump payment to monthly benefits for survivors.

The Veterans Administration will pay up to $300 for a non-service related death or up to $2,000 for a death related to the military.

FEMA may offer assistance for deaths related to natural disasters.

The National Center for Victims of Crime offers benefits up to $100,000, although this varies by state.

Bereavement Rate

If your stay in Fairfield is funeral related, The Circle Hotel offers a special bereavement rate of 10% off. Reach out to our sales coordinator, Rebecca Hensey, at rhensey@fairfieldcircleinn.com to claim the discount.



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